Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Aesthetics v/s Content

For my typography class we were each assigned a typeface and had to conduct research on the history of the type n the origins n stuff. N then we had to create a poster showcasing the typeface.

I was assigned the typeface BEMBO. its one of the oldest fonts was cut in 1495. Its a beautiful font. n the italics version of this font was made in 1920. so there are a lot of differences between the original and the italics. so the first concept i can up with was this. The andpersand is very different in the original and italics version. so i desiced to squezee all the letters of the alphabet into the sign.

This option was aesthetically good. it was nice to look at and explained a little about the typeface.

The second option that i worked out was using the different alphabets and highlighting the the characteristics that made bembo a unique font.

To be honest initially i liked the first option much better! but when i thought more of the project requirements and the objective behind the assignment i have to agree with my prof that option two is a much better solution.
I guess in the design world we ll have to make tough choices between aesthetics and content. Thats pretty much what design school teaches us... how to combine the two. How to make the client happy while retaining your design integrity :)

1 comment:

  1. looking at all the awesome projects...i sooooooo wish i was there with u! very nice!
