Saturday, May 1, 2010

Taking the Plunge

I spent 2 years agonizing over if I should come to design school. Is it worth the money? can i really afford to "spend" two years on it at this point in my life. will it be worth it? wont i learn the same stuff on the job? all these arguments were trumped by just one - I really want to do this and will regret it the rest of my life if i don't. So my heart and mind battled it our for a while, and got nowhere, so I just decided to take the plunge! They say the heart has a mind of its own, i believe that if the mind had a heart of its own maybe it would understand :) anyway I am at the end of my first semester at parsons, and it was the best decision i have made in my life ( so far:P)

The eduction system in the US is very different. for one I still cant call my profs by first name? Sir, and Ma'am is just second nature to our indian upbringing! Secondly I have never been in a class with only 15 students! even tough we have 2 hrs 40 min classes I have not had any " lectures" so far. Learn by doing is the funda here. But the biggest lesson I have learnt so far is how important culture is in our life. When u have been born and bred in the same culture it becomes a very passive influence in you life. But when you step outside it hits you in the face. In the first week itself I noticed how my cultural references differ from those around me. Our very first project was designing posters for elementary school kids, and in brian storming sessions the slang words, the sports or cartoon references, were all so foreign it was a little unnerving to begin with. But like everything else you learn with time.

The best thing about this school is that they allow you to think! and never ever categorize any idea as stupid or unworkable! if you have done your education from india you will know why this is such a big deal! So coming here is a refreshing change. I m just glad I "took the Plunge"

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